Choosing What’s Next (from soulful alignment)

Imagine it with me: Your career so far - whew - have you done some great work!

You can see the ripple effects of the differences you have made. You can see that by saying yes to different opportunities you have created a career that has allowed you to have an excellent network. 

You are regarded for your work.

The thing is, perhaps you find yourself wondering if this is it. 

You’ve spent so much time focused on getting to this point that you feel like you have lost parts of yourself. You understand that you could keep going on this path, yet you deeply crave something else. 

But what is that something else? 

With so many things you could do, how do you make sure that whatever you choose next is going to provide what you crave?

The answer - you do it with alignment. Over the course of our lives, due to external messages that create internal conditioning, we can lose little parts of ourselves, our dreams, and what makes us come alive. 

To powerfully create what is next for you, you need to get back to who you truly are, what you really want, and how you ultimately want to experience your life.

Here are 5 items for your personal leadership list that will you support you: 

  • By shedding any identities that were never yours to begin with

  • By owning identities that feel fully you

  • By looking at your life and leadership as if it were a blank canvas that you could build anew from (even though you may not start over it’s helpful to reimagine w/o what is as a filter)

  • By having the decision points and filters to help you make the best choices for you

You can create what is next for you in a way that feels like magic and soul fulfilling existence.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that you have a gazillion options as your “next”. Let’s make sure that whatever you do choose, it sets you up to love your next chapter.


Would you like some building blocks that will support you to have radical insight and clarity into your ‘what’s next’?

Get the Big-Ass Daring Decisions™ Guide to make YOUR decision from a powerful, aligned place.

* By signing up to receive the Big-Ass Daring Decisions™ Guide, you will also begin receiving my bi-weekly leader letters, designed to add fuel to your leadership and life. (And you will always have the option to opt out at anytime.)


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