If I had to guess, you really care about the work you do. You truly care about the people that you lead. You want your leadership to make a difference and you're conscious of the legacy you have and continue to create.
Oh, hey, badass!
Welcome to the club :)
You’re also probably a high-performer that holds yourself and others to a high standard.
That drive has allowed you to create a lot of success and do good work.
That success and competence -- and all the optics that go with it -- can mean that you look a lot more free on the outside than you feel, inside.
Meaning your life looks great but you feel like shit a lot.
That’s because the cost of standard leadership is too high for committed leaders— leaders like you.
What has allowed you to rise in your leadership has also robbed you of the freedom and fulfillment in enjoying the experience of it along the way. Dare I say … soulsucking?
that allows you to lead without sacrificing your health, humanity, relationships, family, and self.
that allows you to focus on the things that really matter, contribute to the changes you want to see in the world, and live a more pleasurable, delicious life.
that brings more of you into the equation - your voice, your experiences, your vision, your identities - and the opportunity for others around you to do the same.
leadership that doesn’t leave you being annoyed by people, hating on yourself, and leaking your power all over the place.
It’s yours.
Meaning, the version of leadership that will provide you all of the above is your version of leadership. More of you in your leadership means more space for you to feel alive.
And if you feel alive, you are more likely to create a workplace culture and world where others also get to feel that way.
Can you imagine a kinder and more humane existence for you and everyone around you?
Yes, please!
And, chances are that feels really far away from you right now. Like in a galaxy far far away.
Really committed leaders, ones that are committed to other people, to a vision greater than themselves, it takes a huge toll on them.
And sometimes that toll can undermine their own ambition and impact and delight.
Which means they are left feeling inept, second guessing their choices, and experiencing loads of angst around whether they are doing the right thing.
To compensate for that they work harder, take on more responsibility, look for answers outside of themselves - and continue the cycle of overwhelm and burn out and shit-talking to themselves.
And so the thing that motivated them to grow into a leader in the first place is, more often than not, replaced with resentment and existential crisis of wondering if all the crap is even worth it.
This is not your fault. It’s our cultural default.
We are taught that leadership is the thing to aspire to, but we are not taught how to lead without compromising ourselves.
We are not taught to examine our own identities and embrace the ones that are meaningful – or shed the ones that were never ours.
We learn that leadership comes with power, but we are not practiced at being with that power and the influence it comes with.
The way that defines “professional” on what old white men decided a long time ago.
I have no interest in leadership that says there is no room for our humanity or individuality. I have no interest in leadership that has you question your brilliance and robs you of the delight available to you.
To address these problems, and ensure that you can amplify your impact while reducing the costs you pay for your leadership, I have leveraged my 20 years of leading, leadership development work, and coach training to create The Re-Lead Framework.
Because you already are a leader. You don’t need to become a leader, you need to reimagine what leadership could be for you.
It’s time to do leadership differently. It’s time to re-lead.
Often what masquerades as leadership training is actually management training.
And management is tactical, transactional, administrative, how do you get other people to do things.
Leadership, on the other hand, is about fostering capacity for real change. And part of that starts with you and doing the personal internal work, part of that is identity shifts, part of that is the tactical skills.
Our goal is to amplify your impact, while also reducing the toll and cost of leadership on you in particular …
… So that you can DELIGHT in your life and leadership.
Let’s take a look.
From the moment we are born we receive messages about who we are and who we should be.
We were not taught to question any of those messages. Which means you have a lifetime of conditioning doing its work on you.
Some of those messages and conditioning work great for you.
Some of those messages and conditioning have allowed you to get to where you are. And also …
Some of them have eroded how you want to lead.
Some of them have clouded how you want to live.
Some of them leave you feeling like you’re never enough.
So you just work harder and give more hoping the answer is in achieving more. This power leak has you drained and operating on outdated stories.
In the Reveal stage of your leadership work…
we are going to examine and IDENTIFY all of the messaging and conditioning and identities that have made up your life to this point.
With love and care, we are going to look at the ones you want to embrace and leverage for your own fuel and SHED the ones that erode your self-trust and how you really want to exist in the world.
Then we’ll create the words, the dreams, the goals that are DEFINED by you.
Through this internal discovery work; you’ll also learn (to name a few):
Ways to examine your thoughts, beliefs, and habits (with gentleness)
How to navigate internal tensions (that are fed by external bullshit)
What you want your life to look like (separate from shoulds)
Reveal is about taking your identities and your power back.
The world will tell you that you have picked this path (whatever one you’re on) and that you should stay on it. That if you deviate from it, then you're a failure, or ungrateful, or a quitter.
That’s absurd.
You are a human being that is constantly evolving.
Who you are. What you have wanted. They are not set in stone.
You get to reinvent your life, your leadership, who you are - over and over again.
In the Reinvent stage of your leadership work…
we are going to UPDATE your self-concept so it matches everything you are and bring to the world now (not that past versions). We are going to develop stronger self-trust muscles so that you can UPLEVEL the agency you bring to conversations, your future, and life and leadership. We are going to leverage all of these reinventions to WAYFIND your visions and structures that bring it all together.
Through these internal updates; you’ll also learn (to name a few):
Ways to integrate different parts of yourself
How to be more at ease with rest (no, you don’t always have to be productive)
What are the decision points that keep you in your power
Reinvent is about trusting yourself so fully that delight becomes louder than doubt.
I believe that identity shifts are career shifts. These shifts are life giving. It is a recalibration from the inside out.
If you don’t allow for that recalibration, then you just keep recreating the same things just in different containers (like taking a job at a new company only to find after the newness wears off that it is just as stressful and unsatisfying as your previous one).
That is because we are not taught to shift our internal dialogue or to be critical of the systems we exist in, we are taught that if we keep working hard towards the thing we think we want - it will get better once we achieve it.
That is an exhausting way to live and lead. And that’s NOT the way forward.
In the Recalibrate stage of your leadership work…
We are going to SHIFT the concept you have of yourself into something that is defined by you. We are going to OUTLINE patterns that undermine how you see yourself. We are going to create and IMPLEMENT new practices and habits that support your recalibrations.
Through these recalibrations; you’ll also learn (to name a few):
Ways to deepen your relationship with yourself and others
How to create conditions of freedom and fulfillment
What are the skills and habits for nourishment
Recalibrate is about having the foundations that feel so aligned with you that you get giddy thinking about them.
In whatever ways you are living, leading, and existing in the world - you didn’t learn those overnight. You’ve had a lifetime for all of the external noises to take hold.
It’s just another form of high-performing perfectionism to expect that you will master everything you’ve shifted and learned in this work overnight.
Which means to set you up for amplifying your impact, reducing the stress of leadership and delighting in your life, longterm, we need to ensure that all of this internal work is realized into the tactical, action based side of creating what you want.
In the Realize stage of your leadership work…
we are going to integrate everything you’ve learned into how you LEAD. We are going to establish your BRAND and purpose outside of a title/role/company. We are going to document the roadmap(s) that allow you to fully OWN and implement everything you dream about.
Through these tactical actions; you’ll also learn (to name a few):
Ways to have more generative conversations with people
How to leverage your brand while also being more comfortable with the spotlight
What are the conversations to be in, to advance you to what you long for
Realize is about having a plan that you are a Fuck Yes about and taking actions on that plan that has you living and leading as you want now, not some day in a galaxy far far away.
You are already a leader. You have a good life. There is nothing wrong with you. A life-time of conditioning, systems, and experiences have formed who you are.
And. You. Are. Fan-Freaking-Tastic.
While you are fantastic, you likely wouldn’t still be reading this if you FELT fantastic.
You can have the ambition and impact for the things that matter to you and have the delight you crave in your life.
The work is to reduce the toll leading and living in an outdated way is taking on you.
A very important note - the process isn’t linear.
We will often reveal, reinvent, recalibrate, and realize all in one conversation.
While there is a framework - it is not designed to be a formula.
You are a living, breathing human being with immediate and long-term obstacles and opportunities, and my job is to meet you where you are so that you feel loved, supported, seen, and challenged.
My job is not to tell you what to do and force a one-size-fits-all framework on you.
You’re the driver of the conversations and your dreams and I’m the co-pilot right along with you.
As a leader, once you have expanded these skills, what you have done is built the internal capacities, the relational skills, and the pragmatic, strategic, things you need to AMPLIFY your impact.
And because you have developed these internal resources, it is how you REDUCE the cost of leadership and lead and live with shit loads of DELIGHT.
Hear stories, ideas, thoughts and more that will add the fuel of trust to everything you do.
Builder of high-trust cultures, Champion of Leaders, and Executive Coach
I’m Sarah Schneider (she/her). Over the last 20 years, I’ve trained, coached, and advised executives and founders that are committed to putting good into the world without losing themselves in the process.
With thousands of hours of leadership development that includes building and leading teams, leadership training, training leaders and teams, certifications, multiple degrees, coaching leaders, and more, I have developed The Re-Lead Framework for helping high-performing, committed leaders lead well.
Why? So that you can amplify the impact your leadership has while also reducing the toll leadership takes on you personally and through it all, you get to have delight in your life.