What Would You Dare?

You wouldn’t dare. Oh Wait, but what if you would?

We are born into expectations.

Family. School. Culture. Systems.

The World.

It’s full of expectations.

Every. Single. Day.

Many of us take those expectations on and then build our internal and external landscapes.

(That is not a personal failing. It’s a very human thing to do. Plus some of those expectations had us create some pretty amazing things in our life and leadership.)


There comes a point (whether it is at 10, 20, 40 or 90 yrs of age), where something starts gnawing at you. Something feels off. Something feels like it is missing.

At some point, things feel out of alignment for you.

➡ Maybe it’s doing work that doesn’t align with your values.

➡ Maybe it’s the hustle getting in the way of time with your loved ones.

➡ Maybe you’re having trouble remembering who you are.

➡ Maybe you want more space for the things that matter most to you.

Maybe you aren’t sure yet what the gnawing is telling you.

Most often, to live and lead in a way that matches how you want to exist in the world, you have to be willing to buck the expectations put on you.

You think you’re supposed to put others before yourself. Ask: where does that expectation come from?

You think you have to work your way up the corporate ladder. Ask: where does that expectation come from?

You think you have to be grateful and not rock the boat of your life. Ask: where does that expectation come from?

You can take any belief/thought/conditioning/expectation and ask: where does it come from?

Not to judge yourself (that’s never the goal of self-reflection).

To be curious about what informs the choices you make.

To challenge things that do not serve what you truly want.

To ultimately, disrupt what is familiar in service of the fulfilling.

Because many of us are taught not to dare.

Not to dare beyond what is expected of the identities we hold.

Instead we can be asking ourselves, WHAT WOULD WE DARE?


* By signing up to receive the Big-Ass Daring Decisions™ Guide, you will also begin receiving my bi-weekly leader letters, designed to add fuel to your leadership and life. (And you will always have the option to opt out at anytime.)


It Can Take Time


The Dream of Wholeness