EP 5: Staying the Course Even When You Want to Quit
What does hiking up a mountain and building your dreams have in common? It turns out, a lot. In this episode, it is story time and a deeper look at staying the course in the moments you want to quit.
Discussion Recap
- Hiking up a side of a mountain has highlights and lowlights. So does building your dreams.
- Things to consider when you want to quit.
- The reward once you get to where you said you wanted to be.
- The inner chatter that can take hold on the way up and the way back.
- Know your why. Referenced Simon Sinek's book Start with Why.
- Sometimes it does pay to quit the things that don't serve you. Referenced Seth Godin's book The Dip.
- Questions to consider to define your impact (in service of the big picture). Referenced EP 1: Understanding and Defining Your Impact.