EP 13: Complete Your Year Powerfully

Another year. Another 365 days. Most people use this time of year to plan and vision for the next year. Which is great; however, often we don't take the opportunity to really take stock and acknowledge all we've done, been, created in the current year. In this episode, Sarah walks through 3 steps to fully reflect on your wins for the year. 

Discussion Recap

  • Pausing for a moment to take stock of your wins from the year is a powerful way to complete 365 days.

  • This is an opportunity to look at what did work in the last year vs. focusing on all that didn't work or that you didn't do.

  • All wins, big and small, count.

  • Don't be stingy with yourself. High-performers often don't count the little things as wins. They are wins. Sometimes just getting out of bed is a win. 

  • Let all that you created, experienced, etc. really sink in. Don't move on until you can really see the power in your list.

  • Acknowledge and celebrate yourself for all of it. Even the things you can't totally see as win.

  • If you find yourself getting stuck or being stingy with your wins and acknowledgement, partner with a buddy that has been around you all year. Often others can see what we can not.


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EP 14: Simplify Your 2018 Planning with this One Question


EP 12: The Overachiever Gremlin