EP 16: Going Beyond False Fantasies with Anna Willard
Have you ever thought more about a goal or dream than taken action around it? Or got so attached to the exact result of the dream that you didn't allow for it to evolve? In this episode Sarah is joined by Anna Willard where they take those questions on. Anna is a a Kettlebell strength coach, motivational speaker, creator of ironwilltrain, and a movement nerd on a mission to give you hope. Anna most recently published Spark your Youth: A 21-day fitspirational to give you hope and the power to believe. Sarah and Anna share stories about getting stuck on an idea of a dream vs. making it happen and tips to allowing dreams to evolve over time and to changing habits one step at a time.
Discussion Recap
If you don't add action to your dreams they become false fantasies. They become day dreams instead of fulfilled dreams.
False fantasies can also show up as forcing a result into existence vs. allowing a goal to evolve over time. It can also look like putting our dreams onto others.
The entrepreneurial spirit can be valuable to bring to all areas of your life as it allows for tenacity, a certain level of risk, and possibility.
Ann and Sarah both share stories about pivoting dreams and noticing clues along the way.
Sports psychology suggests that you imagine yourself succeeding. Imagine what the next step is that you need to take and then live into that.
Use the power of your imagination.
Other episodes referenced: How Purpose Leads to Creating Ambition with Amy Nelson
Workshop referenced in episode: Get Your Leadership On
You can learn more about Anna and her book at: